Physical Therapy
At DeMaio Family Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, our goal is to offer everything you need to heal at one convenient location. In addition to your chiropractic care with us, your doctor may recommend physical therapy. Physical therapy is designed to help strengthen weakened areas, ensuring that a recurrence of your problem doesn’t happen.
Passive and Active Modalities Available
There are two stages to physical therapy. During the first, you’ll have passive forms of modalities applied, such as electrical muscle stimulation, laser therapy or heat. These options will reduce inflammation and muscle spasm, preparing your body to be adjusted.
Combining Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
If you get adjusted but spend all day on the couch, chances are you’re not doing your body much good. You’ll need to return for more adjustments since your chosen activity will mean your body can’t hold the adjustment. Physical therapy and chiropractic combine to make sure your body is stable enough to hold your adjustments.
Get Started Today
Call or email our team now to schedule your appointment! Same-day visits are available.